23 April 2024 By Jonathan

Revolutionizing the Real Estate Industry: Garantme’s Innovative Property Guarantee Solution

In a constantly evolving real estate market, it is sometimes difficult for some tenants to find accommodation suited to their needs. Owners and real estate agencies are often reluctant to rent their property without having a solid guarantee of rent payment. It is in this context that Guarantee has developed an innovative solution allowing tenants to provide a reliable deposit to landlords while simplifying their search for accommodation. In this article, we invite you to discover in detail how the Garantme service works as well as its advantages for both tenants and real estate agencies.

What is Garantme?

Garantme is a French company specializing in guaranteeing unpaid rent. It offers tenants a fast and secure guarantee service which replaces the traditional security deposit or personal guarantee requested by the lessor. The company legally commits to the owner to cover up to 36 months of unpaid debts in the event of default by the tenant. This guarantee is valid for rentals in France, both for primary and secondary residences, and is aimed at all types of profiles (students, employees, expatriates, etc.).

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How does the Garantme service work?

The process of obtaining a Garantme deposit takes place in several stages:

  1. Registration on the platform : the tenant must first create an account on the Garantme website and provide some personal information (identity, email address, etc.).
  2. Analysis of the file : after having completed their profile with supporting documents (identity document, proof of address, etc.), the tenant submits their request to the Garantme team who then assesses their solvency.
  3. Decision and certification : if the request is accepted, Garantme establishes a personalized guarantee certificate that the tenant can present to lessors during visits. This document certifies that the company acts as guarantor for him in the event of unpaid debts.
  4. Setting up the rental contract : once accommodation has been found and the owner’s agreement has been obtained, a rental contract is signed between the parties. The lessor also receives a guarantee document emanating directly from Garantme.
  5. Payment of fees : finally, the tenant pays the service costs corresponding to 3.5% of the annual rental amount. This payment is made in one go and does not give rise to any renewal.
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What are the benefits for tenants?

Using the Garantme service has several advantages for tenants:

  • Simplification of procedures : registration on the platform and the creation of the file are done entirely online, thus avoiding multiple exchanges with different contacts.
  • Speed ​​of obtaining : once the complete file has been submitted, Garantme’s response generally comes within 24 hours. Tenants can therefore speed up their housing search by quickly having a solid guarantee.
  • Accessibility : unlike traditional systems which often exclude certain profiles (students without stable employment, expatriates without French banking history, etc.), Garantme is aimed at all types of candidates thanks to a personalized analysis of each file.
  • Legal security : as a professional guarantor approved by the Prudential Control and Resolution Authority (ACPR), Garantme offers lessors a legally recognized and secure commitment.

What are the advantages for real estate agencies?

For real estate agencies, working with Garantme also has benefits:

  • Reliable guarantee : by choosing to rent a property to a tenant supported by Garantme, the agencies ensure a solid and recognized guarantee which covers up to 36 months of arrears.
  • Simplification of the selection process : Garantme certification allows agencies to save time in studying the files of candidate tenants and thus facilitates their daily work.
  • Customer diversification : thanks to the accessibility offered by Garantme, real estate agencies can broaden their panel of potential clients by accepting profiles that they might have previously refused (students, expatriates, etc.).
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Legal nature of the commitment made by Garantme

When acting as guarantor for a tenant, Garantme legally commits to the owner to cover unpaid rent in the event of default. This commitment takes the form of an act of guarantee subject to French law and is governed by the Civil Code (articles 2288 to 2299). It should be noted, however, that this guarantee is not unconditional and may be terminated if the tenant does not respect certain obligations provided for in the contract (regular payment of rent, maintenance of the accommodation, etc.).

By offering an innovative guarantee solution accessible to all, Garantme facilitates the search for housing for tenants while offering landlords and real estate agencies a reliable and secure guarantee. Thanks to this service, everyone can now consider their real estate project with peace of mind.