23 April 2024 By Jonathan

Unveiling the Impact of the French Tech Mission on Fostering Innovation

The French Tech Mission is a government initiative launched in 2013 by the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Digital Affairs. Its main objective is to support the development of innovative French start-ups on the national territory as well as internationally. To do this, it relies on a vast network of public and private actors such as companies, investors, institutions and even associations.

In order to be easily identifiable, these actors come together under the same banner proudly displaying the French Tech logo, represented by a rooster in the colors of the French flag in a refined style. This logo symbolizes not only French creativity but also its capacity to innovate in all areas linked to digital technology.

Network of certified structures in France and internationally

To carry out its mission, French Tech relies on a network made up of a multitude of certified structures, spread throughout France and abroad. These structures are divided into two main categories: French Tech Capitals and French Tech Communities.

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French Tech Capitals

The French Tech Capitals are French regional metropolises which stand out for their economic dynamism, their capacity for innovation and their attractiveness for start-ups. They benefit from an ecosystem conducive to the development of these young innovative companies thanks to the presence of key players such as incubators, accelerators and even investment funds.

To date, thirteen cities have been labeled “French Tech Capital”:

  • Aix-Marseille
  • Bordeaux
  • Brest
  • Grenoble
  • Lille
  • Lyon
  • Montpellier
  • Nantes
  • _here the rest of the capitals with a dot in front of each element._”

French Tech Communities

In addition to the Capitals, the French Tech Mission has also created a network of Communities which bring together local actors engaged in the development of the digital economy in their territory. Thus, each community is led by a local association which works to promote and support innovative start-ups.

Today there are more than a hundred French Tech Communities in France, but also internationally with branches present in several large foreign cities such as New York, San Francisco, London and Tokyo.

Administrative attachment to the French Tech Mission

The French Tech Mission is attached to the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Digital Affairs. It thus benefits from strong institutional support and increased legitimacy among French and international economic players. The Directorate General for Enterprises (DGE) ensures the operational management of this mission in close collaboration with the other administrations concerned.

Objectives and actions of the French Tech Mission

The main objectives of the French Tech Mission are:

  • Support the rapid development of French start-ups with high potential
  • Promote their influence on a national and international scale
  • Promote the French brand image in the digital field, notably thanks to the French Tech logo
  • _here add one or two other objectives if necessary._”

To achieve these objectives, the French Tech Mission is implementing various concrete actions such as:

  • The attribution of the “Capital” or “Community” label to structures which meet the criteria defined by the mission
  • Networking of players in the French Tech ecosystem (start-ups, investors, institutions, etc.)
  • Support for start-ups in their development and internationalization through specific programs such as the French Tech Pass or the French Tech Ticket
  • _here add other actions if necessary._”

As you will have understood, the French Tech Mission constitutes a real lever for boosting the French economy and promoting innovation in the digital field. Thanks to its network of labeled structures proudly displaying the French Tech logo and its numerous concrete actions, it contributes to the influence of French start-ups on the national and international scene.